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Expert Product Assessment

This is a sample of Expert Product Assessment work product.  Contact us to discuss how we custom create for our clients.

There are lots of ways to provide support for parents and caregivers in the implementation of Product X as well as realizing success when completed.  First, we recommend a starter set of readings to digest, discuss, and reflect on with both families and students.  It helps to ground the work in a framework and helps folks that are not a part of the Product X community get a better handle on how to max out the benefit of the resources.  We also recommend a set of videos from current or previous participants on how they liked using the resources, where they adapted and departed from the suggested timeline, how they connected with a larger community, and showcased the students’ completed work.  Mentors, either people who are part of Product X’s team or past students, would be an excellent resource for parents/caregivers to ask questions and express anxieties or concerns.  It is very much in alignment with how students learn with Product X as well.


Brainstorm of potential ideas for future Product X themes/topics


  • Book Clubs for families to extend and engage their learning further

  • High School or College credit for completion of some more advanced activities

  • Mentorship training for parents and students so they can help additional families

  • In depth discussion and activities on how to appropriately engage on social media - this is always a concern for families in today’s tech climate

  • Social emotional learning - how do I talk to my kids and help them express their emotions?

  • Rewarding certifications, badges, #communities, follow progress on instagram - anything to add to community for those that want to participate

  • Video calls, audio calls, conference calls to listen in on TedX type talks - something someone can watch with their kids and then discuss after

  • Ad hoc creation of learning pods and the ability to join a Pod that’s doing this work, either virtually or in person

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