Professional Learning
This is a sample of Professional Learning work product. Contact us to discuss how we custom create for our clients.
We recommend Company X consider the following to strengthen professional learning:
Company X should consider providing support for all leaders who want to open schools and open their process up to private, independent, and not-for-profit organizations.
Company X should consider expanding their school district support to provide comprehensive leadership development services at the network level as well as around academic and social emotional learning supports
Company X should deepen their programmatic support and curricular alignments more clearly and/or develop a partnership with organizations that already do this well (specifically around social emotional learning, remote/virtual learning, and how to work with your community and stakeholders.
Company X should strongly consider partnering with a research-based institution to support their leadership and school support work. If not with a single institution, Company X should join a consortium of such institutions that would help to add current practice and future innovations to their curricular offerings.