Program Assessment
This is a sample of Program Assessment work product. Contact us to discuss how we custom create for our clients.
Once a district has chosen to focus on Emotional Intelligence (EI) through staff positions, curriculum, and public communications around implementation, there is an additional need to assess how these choices are faring across the student and staff population. This data will also typically be shared across district leadership for tweaking and adjusting how EI looks and feels throughout the schools, and it may often be shared at school board meetings or through public messaging, particularly when the data reveals positive impacts and beneficial life skills for students.
The best methodology for assessing EI is to focus on the highly-regarded five competencies of self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making. Data is typically gathered through student self-assessments, and teacher or parents self-reported assessments. It can also be supported through observation data or scored-simulated scenarios. Districts choose from a wide variety of topics (samples below) to measure. They gather baseline data with either a proprietary-created assessment or utilize a vendor to provide them assessment questions, data, and help with analysis of the results.
Sample EI assessment topics for students, teachers, and staff:
Student skills and competencies: student perceptions of whether they have the potential to change those factors that are central to their performance in school.
Student supports, environment, and well-being: perceptions of the overall social and learning climate of the school
Teacher well-being and EI