Messaging and Communications Strategy
This is a sample of Messaging and Communications Strategy work product. Contact us to discuss how we custom create for our clients.
Our commitment to our students and families remains strong, and we’re continually evolving on how to provide the highest level of support at our schools to ensure increasing student growth every school year. Some highlights of actions taken to benefit the schools are:
More robust leadership teams at both schools. Schools X and Y have new Assistant Heads of School for Instruction and Student Supports.
A dedicated network lead for Emotional Intelligence (EI) that supports all three schools.
A Chief Talent Officer added to the Company Z team to recruit, identify, train and develop strong teachers to be in our classrooms.
Directors of Literacy and Math at all three schools,as well as at the network, to ensure that the content taught in classrooms is rigorous and standards aligned.
Ongoing commitment to our diverse-by-design model, differentiated instruction, and a belief that all students are welcome at our network and can succeed in our schools.
Thank you for your dedication and support of all of our Company Z students. We look forward to working alongside you to ensure that high quality academics continue to be a mainstay of our schools.